How can I purchase Shiba Inu (SHIB) on the KuCoin exchange?
To purchase Shiba Inu (SHIB) on the KuCoin exchange, one needs to create and verify an account on the KuCoin platform. After logging into the account, ensure that there are funds available; if not, deposit fiat currency or cryptocurrency into the KuCoin wallet. With the wallet funded, navigate to the 'Spot Market' and search for the SHIB trading pairs (e.g., SHIB/USDT). Click on the appropriate pair, enter the 'Trade' interface, and choose between a market order (to buy at current prices) or a limit order (to specify a price at which to buy). One fills in the amount of SHIB desired and confirms the purchase by clicking 'Buy SHIB'. The purchased SHIB tokens will be credited to one's KuCoin trading account. It is also recommended to enable 2-factor authentication on the account for added security during transactions.