How do I assemble the NordicTrack S22i bike?
To assemble the NordicTrack S22i bike, one should follow the assembly instructions provided in the manual that comes with the package. Start by stabilizing the frame and attaching the stabilizers to ensure a firm base. Then attach the console mast, making sure to properly connect any wires for the display. Afterward, one must affix the handlebars to the mast, ensuring they are secure and at the desired height. Following this, install the seat to the seat carriage and adjust it to suit riding comfort. Attach the pedals to the crank arms, noting the right and left labels to avoid cross-threading. Once all parts are securely in place, plug in the bike and calibrate it as instructed in the manual or on-screen prompts. If any issues arise or further clarification is required, consulting NordicTrack's customer support or professional assembly service is recommended for optimal safety and functionality.